
The "Young EntrepreneurS" project was made based on the needs of young participants from 8 countries to develop their skills, knowledge and abilities towards entrepreneurship and labour market.

The goals of the "Young EntrepreneurS" project follow the goals of the Erasmus+ programme as for fight agains rising unemployment rate, particularly among young people.  The project helps to pass and share skills needed in the labour market and that are essential in a competitive environment. The project also supports cooperation and mutual enrichment in the field of non-formal education. In accordance with Erasmus+ programme it allows the participating organisations to inform public about reached results and outputs and share them, thus increase the impact of the project  and its sustainability and ensure a European contribution of the Erasmus+ programme. The goal of the "Young EntrepreneurS" project in this particular key action is to improve the level of key competences and skills of young people, including young people with limited opportunities and support their involvement into democratic life in Europe and the labour market, support their active citizenshisp, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity.

The intention of the project is to develop particularly the following competences: entrepreneuship, communicative and language competences, social competences as well as creativity, ability to cooperate on a common issue, excchange the experience regarding entrepreneurship, unemployment and problems of the labour market in the partner countries. These competences will be developed through non-formal activities such as workshops, discussions, presentations, role-play activities etc. The participants will deal with a possibility of running their own business, will exchange information about unemployment of young people in the partner countries, will develop their ideas regarding running their own possible future firm, way of promotion, advertising, making a business plan, searching for gaps and opportunities in the labour market, will compare pros and cons of an own businees and a position of an employee, will develop competences and skills regarding the labour market (writing a good CV, passing successfully a  job interview etc.), will discuss fair attitude in business and these all by means of non-formal activities.


The participants of the project will be young people at the age of 17-20 who are active in their organisations, take part in activities organised by their organisations and are interested in gaining new competences and experience on international level. There will be 40 people from 8 countries involved in the project. Each partner´s team will be composed of 1 team leader + 4 participants aged 17-20 who will be able to communicate in English. All teams will involve also participants coming from disadvantageous environment. 

Description of activities: the project is a youth exchange. The main activities of the "Young EntrepreneurS" project will include the following: ice-breaking games, energizers , presentations, team-buiding activities, debates and discussions, role play activities etc.

We expect the following impact on the participants: they will increase their entrepreneurship competences, language, social and IT competences, their motivation to be successful on the labour market, their abilities to come with creative ideas and develop them further, their ability to see the world through an entrepreneurship eye and search for opportunities. They will improve their  language competences (also in Business English), their ability to work both in team and individually, their abilities to persuade the others abou own ideas, oppose other ideas and find a compromise, they will learn to plan and organise activities, solve problems regarding jobs, find opportunities and see thrests,  they will get more aware of economic and entrepreneurship reality and about fair attitude in business.

Impact - increasing knowldege about eonomical and entrepreneurship reality, developing competences regarding entrepreneurship and labour market.

Long-term contribution - the participant will be better prepared to be successful on the labour market, get a job or start their own business, to share the gained competences and skills with other young people, which can help in a long-term view to fight with unemployment of young people



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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